Greetings! Herzlich Willkommen!

Vanessa Galla-Praus and Michael Praus welcome you to explore the past!

The latest novel by Vanessa Galla-Praus, The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies – A Tale of Phoenician Travels to the New World, was released July 16th, 2023 and is available on and

Vanessa’s eBook novella, The Expert Builders of Stonehenge, was released in May 2021 (English version only).

The book, There and Back Again – A Neolithic Tale was released in August 2022.

My other books include 38,000 BC, which was released in February 2021 (in German, it was released in June 2021 as 38.000 v. Chr) and the bookTourists Through Time was released in April 2020 (in German, it was released in August 2020).

The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies, There and Back Again – A Neolithic Tale, The Expert Builders of Stonehenge, 38,000 BC, and Tourists Through Time have been carefully researched and offer you glimpses of humanity in the ages before the written word was widely used. Enjoy!

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie unsere Webseite besuchen. Vanessas gegenwärtige Abhandlung The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies ist nun in Englisch seit Juli 2023 vorliegend. Ein vorhergehender Titel, There and Back Again – A Neolithic Tale, ist bei Amazon am 1. August 2022 erschienen.

Unser gemeinsamer Roman 38,000 B.C. ist in der deutschen Übersetzung veröffentlicht. Zwei zunächst in Englisch verfasste Bücher und deren Übersetzungen als Touristen Durch Die Zeitepochen und als 38.000 v. Chr sind sorgsam recherchiert und erlauben Ihnen erhellende Einblicke in die Vorzeit der Menschheit, als das geschriebene Wort noch nicht im Gebrauch war. Viel Entdeckerfreude wünschen wir beim Lesen!

(Pictures: Home Page Photo – Carnac, France. Second Photo – “Blautopf” Blue Spring, Blaubeuren, Germany (Featured in 38,000 BC).. Third Photo – The “World” of Tourists Through Time).

The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies – A Tale of Phoenician Travels to the New World My was released on July 16th, 2023:


About our other books:

Feel free to browse the map above. You will find places featured in our foundation novel of The Before the Written Word Series: Tourists Through Time. * Gönnen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um die Karte zu studieren. Sie finden Orte, die Sie in unserem Roman finden können – Touristen Durch Die Zeitepochen.

Books from The Before the Written Word Series:

The English Version was released on August 1st, 2022. It is a sequel novel to Tourists Through Time.

The German Translation of 38,000 BC was released in June 2021.


This EBook novella was released in May 2021. These stories about Stonehenge were also featured in Tourists Through Time.


Our full-length book was released in English in February 2021. It is a prequel novel to Tourists Through Time.

Tourists Through Time is the Foundation novel of The Before the Written Word Series. It was released in 2020 along with its German translation: Touristin Durch Die Zeitepochen.

Updates on our Paperbacks and eBooks! Besuchen Sie für eine Leseprobe in Deutsch!

Type in “Vanessa Galla-Praus” in Amazon Search under Books or Kindle Store.

The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies – A Tale of Phoenician Travels to the New World is available in eBook and in Paperback.

There and Back Again – A Neolithic Tale is available in eBook and in Paperback.


38,000 BC and 38,000 v. Chr are available in eBook and in Paperback.

Vanessas beide Buecher sind in Englisch und Deutsch erhaeltlich.

eBook English Version
Paperback Book English Version
Taschenbuch – Deutsche Übersetzung
eBook – Deutsche Übersetzung

99 cent Kindle eBook available on

Tourists Through Time and Touristen Durch Die Zeitepochen are available in Paperback and in eBook.

Paperback – English version
eBook – English version
Taschenbuch – Deutsche Übersetzung
eBook – Deutsche Übersetzung

The Mystery of the Tobacco and Cocaine Mummies – Images:

Modern-Day Rock of Gibraltar or “Calpe” as it was known in Phoenician times:

From the Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean:


Ancient Bronze Blades and Shields:

The Caves and Countrysides featured in 38,000 BC

River Flowing Past the Hohle Fels Cave
Entrance to Hohle Fels Cave
Iniside Hohle Fels Cave
Impressive Wall leading to Vogelherd Cave
Carving of Mammoth found inside the Vogelherd Cave

Objects featured in 38,000 BC

The Venus of Hohle Fels, exhibited
at the URMU Museum, Blaubeuren Germany,

The “Lion-Man” exhibited in Stadtmuseum Ulm
Flute made of Mammoth-Ivory, exhibited
at the URMU Museum, Blaubeuren Germany.
Various Flint Knives

Michael with Mammoth Tusks, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Cave Bear from University of Tübingen, Germany.

Places and Objects Featured in Tourists Through Time / Touristen Durch Die Zeitepochen

The Glauberg Prince at the Glauberg Museum in Germany- aka Cynbel.
“Cynbel’s” Torc at the Glauberg Museum in Germany.
Reconstruction of the Goseck Circle, Germany.
Mnajdra Temple, Malta.

Michael and the Giant du Manio, Carnac, France aka the Ocean Father’s Phallus.
Carnac Neolithic Stone Alignment, France.

Clay pots of the Linear Pottery People at the Halle Museum of Prehistory in Halle, Germany.
Kercado Dolmen, Carnac, France.

What’s New?

July 2023: Vanessa’s book was published on July 16th and is available on and in eBook and in Paperback (currently English version only).


August 2022 Vanessa’s book was published on August 1st and is available on and in eBook and in Paperback (currently English version only).

Vanessas neues Buch ist seit dem 1. August 2022 bei Amazon in englischer Sprache als eBook und Taschenbuch erhältlich.

Paperback version.
eBook version.

May 2022 Research for Vanessa’s next prehistory novel in the Before The Written Word Series is underway. Hint: Ocean and Sea travel will play big parts in this new book.

June 28, 2021 38.000 v. Chr. (the German translation of 38,000 BC) has been published and is now available on and in eBook and in Paperback.

38.000 v. Chr, die deutsche Uebersetzung des gemeinsamen, zuvor in Englisch verfassten Romans 38.000 BC ist nun bei Amazon erhältlich.


Also available on Amazon: Our 99 cent e-Book:

May 23, 2021 This short eBook is adapted for the original stories about Stonehenge featured in the novel: Tourists Through Time: Built in 3095 BC, the sky temple in the British Isles has been revered for centuries, and in 2583 BC, it is ready for the ultimate remodel.

38,000 BC is the prequel to Tourists Through Time and was released in English on February 10, 2021:

February 10, 2021. We are very excited to announce that our book, 38,000 BC is now available in both eBook and Paperback formats on Amazon! We are working on the German translation at this time. The novel is about life during the Ice Age. The novel was inspired by information we learned about 40,000 year old artifacts that were found in caves in present-day Germany. Enjoy!

Für den deutschsprachigen Leser: Wir freuen uns, den interessierten Entdeckern der Vergangenheit mitteilen zu können, dass das neue Buch 38.000 BC in Englisch erschienen ist. Die deutsche Translation ist in Vorbereitung . Wir betreten mit Ihnen als Leser und wir selbst als abenteuerlustige Autoren die Epoche der Eiszeit. Einige besondere, 40.000 Jahre junge Funde in Deutschland haben uns bewegt, sich in diese Epoche hineinzudenken. In einigen Wochen können Sie gerne wieder mal hereinschneien, um mehr über den Stand der Dinge für die deutsche Version zu erfahren. Tschüß bis dann!